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impact hub, the first swapspot

Writer's picture: CW heroesCW heroes

Impact Hub is in our hearts even before CW started.

We were well welcomed there, met a bunch of inspiring people and all the entrepreneurs that are based there have a great mission to give a contribution to the world we live in in some way.

It´s great to be surrounded by so many heroes of the planet earth and we feel very lucky to have this organization and its team in our lives.

As so, it would make sense to have them on board as the very first SwapSpot ever. And they were generous to have us at their venue. Thank you!

Let´s just introduce Impact Hub:


Imagine a future where each individual and organization would tap into their own potential and true self to embody the change they want to see in the world – by taking entrepreneurial actions. We are Impact Hub Lisbon and we believe in the power of humans, businesses and collaboration to make the world a better place.


We are here to cultivate opportunities for positive impact. We want to connect unlikely allies to enable purpose-driven individuals to create a larger impact together – no matter what their background is. We want to inspire and empower people and businesses to be more impact-driven, conscious and sustainable.


We progress on our mission and manifest our vision day after day – with patience, determination and trust. We nurture a vibrant community of Impact Makers through our workspace, programs, events and corporate social innovation consultancy."

With a very inspiring manifesto:

So yes, we set up our first SWAPSPOT here, and we loved it!

As soon as we finished it there were already some people swapping and wearing their new items. It has been quite organic and everyone contributes with their "lost in the closet" clothes. We are very happy to have had such a great response from all the entrepreneurs based at Impact Hub and from all the visitors too.

Here´s a glimpse of their newsletter where they also shared SWAPSPOT with their community:

Joana and Bruno look like absolute super stars of swapping, wearing brand new (to them) clothes right out of the CW rack. Looking good!!!

Stay tuned, we are setting up a brand new SWAPSPOT at WorkHub in Marvila and can´t wait to have their feedback too.

Looking for a co-work where you find great entrepreneurs, inspiring talks, fun events, wine on fridays, sharing meals, a great team, and on top of that swap your clothes, then head to Impact Hub, the perfect place to be :)


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