design hero - creative director
CW started with Sarah´s design of a fun and appealing logo. She is an award winning designer based in London and rocks!
community magician - ambassador
Journalist & author of "Bizarre history of Psychology". An optimistic hero, gets (almost) everything second hand and manages social media with Inês.

lisbon star - ambassador
Founder of Solmagclothes, Soledade is the star from arroios & lisbon. Your field contact. She is always fighting to spread the network to all city corners!
lisbon hero - lisbon manager
Arty, pragmatic, independent & committed, Nicole is a free spirit. She founded her photography brand and is an environmentally passionate hero!
green hero - ambassador
Lives by the ideals of sustainability and spreads it with her Ovelha Verde project. She is responsible for the social media management with Raquel.

you tell us!
join us if you wish to be part of this bunch of fun and sometimes silly creatures. whatever your contribute is, CW will love it!

CW is welcoming all the input you can give. contribution, co-creation and collaboration are all we stand for.
- be a volunteer
- share your skills
- organise events
E V E R Y O N E C A N B E A F O U N D E R !
get in touch if you want to set-up SWAP SPOTs in your city, at some of your favourite locations.
we send you all the info and guidelines you need and add you on the team and the SWAP SPOTs map!
you can also just set-up your own SWAP SPOT:
these are very important partners for circularwear, having provided support in many different ways: space, time, community, skills, promotion, and most importantly the emotional support, and belief in the project and the concept itself. thank you, CW is yours too.